[{"id":3975,"link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/3975","name":"alma-arc","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/11\/Germany_ARC_RGB_y.png","alt":"ALMA-ARC"},"title":"ALMA-ARC","author":{"name":"admin","link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/author\/admin"},"date":"Nov 4, 2024","dateGMT":"2024-11-04 15:31:49","modifiedDate":"2024-11-05 17:25:16","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-11-05 16:25:16","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"open","categories":{"coma":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>","space":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":0,"sec":26},"status":"publish","content":"The German node of the European ALMA Regional Centre network is operated by the UB \/ AIfA and UoC \/ PH1, with PI Schilke as the lead of the Cologne subnode and Prof. Bertoldi, currently the lead of the Bonn subnode. It is one of seven European sites of this network coordinated by ESO since 2008, which actively supports ALMA operations and European users and is co-financed by the BMBF \/ ErUM-Pro. Another European node is based in Manchester, UK, and is led by PI Fuller."},{"id":2264,"link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/2264","name":"dfb-research-unit-for-5409-sunbic-structure-preserving-numerical-methods-for-bulk-and-interface-coupling-of-heterogeneous-models","thumbnail":{"url":false,"alt":false},"title":"DFB Research Unit FOR 5409 - SUNBIC: Structure-preserving numerical methods for bulk- and interface-coupling of heterogeneous models","author":{"name":"Steffi","link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/author\/steffi"},"date":"Sep 20, 2023","dateGMT":"2023-09-20 09:20:23","modifiedDate":"2024-08-23 21:04:47","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-08-23 19:04:47","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"open","categories":{"coma":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>","space":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":1,"sec":2},"status":"publish","content":"Gregor Gassner received a grant within the DFG Research Unit FOR 5409 for the sub-project \"A Hybrid Entropy-Dissipative Spectral Element Method for Magnetized Plasmas\" (https:\/\/gepris.dfg.de\/gepris\/projekt\/501212410).\n\n\n\nThe research goal of this project is to construct a hybrid spectral element method for the two-fluid plasma system. The non-linear fluid part for ions and electrons is discretized with split-form discontinuous Galerkin methods that satisfy a summation-by-parts property, while the Maxwell system is discretized with mimetic spectral elements. Split-form discontinuous Galerkin methods allow to mimic the entropic behavior of the system by constructing discrete versions of non-linear chain-rules. Mimetic spectral elements are constructed such, that the divergence constraints on the electric and magnetic fields are exactly satisfied. Both methods rely on tensor product basis functions that originate from 1D Lagrange interpolation on Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto nodes. A special focus is on the coupling of these two structure preserving methodologies to obtain a hybrid, stable and high-order accurate spectral element scheme for the two-fluid plasma system that is consistent to the thermodynamic entropy, locally conservative for mass, momentum and energy, and that exactly preserves the divergence constraints on electric and magnetic fields.This project is part of the DFG research unit \"Structure-Preserving Numerical Methods for Bulk- and Interface-Coupling of Heterogeneous Models (SNuBIC)\" (www.snubic.io)."},{"id":2261,"link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/2261","name":"horizon-eurohpc-centres-of-excellence-for-hpc-applications","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/09\/space-logo-menu.png","alt":""},"title":"Horizon-EuroHPC Centres of Excellence for HPC Applications","author":{"name":"Steffi","link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/author\/steffi"},"date":"Sep 20, 2023","dateGMT":"2023-09-20 09:14:54","modifiedDate":"2024-11-05 17:26:33","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-11-05 16:26:33","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"open","categories":{"coma":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>","space":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":1,"sec":8},"status":"publish","content":"Kai Polsterer is partner in the project Scalable Parallel Astrophysical Codes for Exascale (CoE Space)(www.space-coe.eu).\n\n\n\nIn Astrophysics and Cosmology (A&C) today, High Performance Computing (HPC)-based numerical simulations are outstanding instruments for scientific discovery. They represent essential tools and theoretical laboratories able to investigate, interpret and understand the physical processes behind the observed sky. For these laboratories, the efficient and effective exploitation of exascale computing capabilities is essential. \n\n\n\nExascale systems, however, are expected to have a heterogeneous unprecedented architectural complexity, with a significant impact on simulation codes. Therefore, SPACE CoE aims to extensively re-engineer the target codes to engage with new computational solutions and adopt innovative programming paradigms, software solutions, and libraries. SPACE aims to foster the reuse and sharing of algorithms and software components in the A&C application domain, addressing this action through co-design activities that bring together scientists, code developers, HPC experts, HW manufacturers and SW developers, advancing lighthouse exascale A&C applications, codes, services and know-how promoting the use of upcoming exascale and post-exascale computing capabilities. \n\n\n\nIn addition, SPACE will address the high-performance data analysis of the data torrent produced by exascale A&C simulation applications, also with machine-learning and visualization tools. The deployment of applications running on different platforms will be facilitated by federating capabilities focusing on code repositories and data sharing, and integrating European astrophysical communities around exascale computing by adopting software and data standards and interoperability protocols."},{"id":2258,"link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/2258","name":"eu-h2020-european-center-of-excellence-in-exascale-computing","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/09\/2021-01-Logo-RGB-RAISE_standard.png.webp","alt":""},"title":"EU H2020: European Center of Excellence in Exascale Computing","author":{"name":"Steffi","link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/author\/steffi"},"date":"Sep 20, 2023","dateGMT":"2023-09-20 09:11:24","modifiedDate":"2024-11-05 17:26:10","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-11-05 16:26:10","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"open","categories":{"coma":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>","space":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":1,"sec":3},"status":"publish","content":"Andreas Lintermann is partner in the project Research on Simulation-Based Engineering at Exascale (CoE RAISE) (https:\/\/www.coe-raise.eu).\n\n\n\nThe European Center of Excellence in Exascale Computing \"Research on AI- and Simulation-Based Engineering at Exascale\" (CoE RAISE) is a project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, European research infrastructures (including e-Infrastructures). In RAISE, researchers from science and industry develop novel, scalable Artificial Intelligence technologies towards Exascale along representative use-cases from Engineering and Natural Sciences.\n\n\n\nAI is a key technology that is demanding for further exploitation and development. CoE RAISE aims atbeing at the forefront of AI technology development for complex applications in Europe running onfuture Exascale systems.\n\n\n\nIn CoE RAISE, innovative AI methods on heterogeneous HPC architectures capable of scaling towards Exascale are developed and generalized for selected representative simulation codes and data-driven workflows. Technology transfer to industry, SMEs, and academia is accelerated and training, education, and support in qualifying codes and workflows is provided. A European network of contact points to provide infrastructural and knowledge access, consulting, and further services to user communities from industry, SMEs, and academia with less developed expertise in AI and HPC is established. CoE RAISE connects to existing European projects to exploit synergies, avoid redundancy, exploit co-design opportunities, and exchange knowledge."},{"id":2254,"link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/2254","name":"microwave-infrared-double-resonance-spectrometer","thumbnail":{"url":false,"alt":false},"title":"Microwave - Infrared Double Resonance Spectrometer","author":{"name":"Steffi","link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/author\/steffi"},"date":"Sep 20, 2023","dateGMT":"2023-09-20 08:58:36","modifiedDate":"2024-11-05 17:26:54","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-11-05 16:26:54","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"open","categories":{"coma":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>","space":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":1,"sec":56},"status":"publish","content":"Prof. Stephan Schlemmer received a DFG HBFG Large-scale instrumentation in 2020.\n\n\n\nDouble resonance spectroscopy (DRS) shall advance our high-resolution spectroscopy experiments in many substantial ways. In the proposed configuration we want to combine rotational spectroscopy in the microwave\/THz frequency range and ro-vibrational spectroscopy in the infrared wavelength regime. The general idea is to address molecules in the gas phase by one radiation source in order to create a very sensitive and molecule specific signal. The second radiation source is used to create a difference signal which only arises when the two photons address a common molecular state. One part of the DRS instrument is a chirped pulse Fourier Transform Spectrometer (CPFTS) with a minimum frequency range of 2.5 \u2013 18 GHz. This setup is able to address the lowest rotational states of most molecules over a very wide bandwidth in one chirp excitation pulse. The electronics to create a broad band chirp signal and to record the free induction decay (FID) signal is available in our laboratory but high-power amplifiers and an intense molecular beam to create the necessary sensitivity are missing and shall be purchased. For many experiments the broad band signal of the CPFTS serves as a very sensitive detector signal. In the second part radiation from a narrow line width but widely tunable Quantum Cascade laser addresses a ro-vibrational level associated with one molecule, one specific isomer or conformer and\/or a specific vibrational state of this species. Therefore, it becomes possible to decipher complex spectra of molecular mixtures, experiments where different isomers, conformers and vibrational states are present at the same time. Thus DRS will be instrumental in analysing spectra of complex organic molecules and finally finding those species in astrophysical observations. In our highly sophisticated action spectroscopy experiments in ion traps the microwave\/THz and infrared radiation sources change their role. The IR QCL shall be used to create a practically background free action spectroscopy signal, e.g. by promoting a chemical reaction through vibrational excitation. The microwave\/THz photon is used to change the rotational population which results in recording the rotational spectra of molecular ions which is extremely hard or practically impossible to acchieve otherwise. Such a DRS instrument is not available commercially in one piece but building it from pieces becomes now possible and will put our research in a unique position."},{"id":2255,"link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/2255","name":"optical-parametric-oscillator-opo","thumbnail":{"url":false,"alt":false},"title":"Optical Parametric Oscillator (OPO)","author":{"name":"Steffi","link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/author\/steffi"},"date":"Sep 20, 2023","dateGMT":"2023-09-20 08:58:30","modifiedDate":"2024-12-09 19:10:45","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-12-09 18:10:45","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"closed","categories":{"coma":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>","space":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":1,"sec":32},"status":"publish","content":"Prof. Stephan Schlemmer received a DFG HBFG Large-scale instrumentation in 2021.\n\n\n\nThe laboratory astrophysics group (AG Schlemmer) develops new methods of molecule spectroscopy. Various radiation sources are used for this purpose. One unique field of research concerns the action spectroscopy of trapped molecular ions which led to publications in Science, Nature, Nature Chemistry and Nature Review Physics. With the help of the requested cw OPO new two color experiments become possible. One (existing) color is used to address a molecular ion such that they are reacting to products which can be distinguished from the parent ion in our ion trap instruments. Since onle y finite ensemble of ions is stored in these experients the fraction of reacting ions and non-reacting ions can be determined and a branching ratio of different parent ions can be measured. Thus structural isomers, conformers and even nuclear spin isomers can be isolated. Via the second color also the other species can be addressed in the same experiment. So they leave the parent ensemble as well. In an experiment with two isomers this could lead to the loss of all parent species from the ensemble. However, when a neutral collision partner is added to the trap inbetween the periods when the light is depleting the ensemble, isomer conversion will happen and not all reactant molecules will be converted. As a result the rate for such a conversion process can be determined. Such fundamental processes, e.g., nuclear spin converion via chemical reactions, can be crucial for the process of star formation out of a molecular cloud. The OPO proposed here will make such experiments possible for the first time. Distinguishing isomers is a topic with large potential for applications (analytics). Two color experiments will also enable to unfold spectra of floppy molecules without a regular structure, e.g. the enigmatic protonated methane molecule."},{"id":2249,"link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/2249","name":"erc-synergy-grant-imaging-the-event-horizon-of-black-holes","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/09\/429669.jpg","alt":"EHT Black Hole"},"title":"ERC Synergy Grant - Imaging the Event Horizon of Black Holes","author":{"name":"Steffi","link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/author\/steffi"},"date":"Sep 20, 2023","dateGMT":"2023-09-20 08:44:40","modifiedDate":"2024-08-23 21:04:49","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-08-23 19:04:49","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"open","categories":{"coma":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>","space":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":1,"sec":45},"status":"publish","content":"Michael Kramer is a principal investigator in the ERC Synergy grant for the project BlackHoleCam in 2014 (https:\/\/cordis.europa.eu\/project\/id\/610058).\n\n\n\nGravity is successfully described by Einstein\u2019s theory of general relativity (GR), governing the structure of our entire universe. Yet it remains the least understood of all forces in nature, resisting unification with quantum physics. One of the most fundamental predictions of GR are black holes (BHs). Their defining feature is the event horizon, the surface that light cannot escape and where time and space exchange their nature. However, while there are many convincing BH candidates in the universe, there is no experimental proof for the existence of an event horizon yet. So, does GR really hold in its most extreme limit? Do BHs exist or are alternatives needed? Here we propose to build a Black Hole Camera that for the first time will take an actual picture of a BH and image the shadow of its event horizon. We will do this by providing the equipment and software needed to turn a network of existing mm-wave radio telescopes into a global interferometer. This virtual telescope, when supplemented with the new Atacama Large Millimetre Array (ALMA), has the power to finally resolve the supermassive BH in the centre of our Milky Way \u2013 the best-measured BH candidate we know of. In order to compare the image with the theoretical predictions we will need to perform numerical modelling and ray tracing in GR and alternative theories. In addition, we will need to determine accurately the two basic parameters of the BH: its mass and spin. This will become possible by precisely measuring orbits of stars with optical interferometry on ESO\u2019s VLTI. Moreover, our equipment at ALMA will allow for the first detection of pulsars around the BH. Already a single pulsar will independently determine the BH\u2019s mass to one part in a million and its spin to a few per cent. This unique combination will not only produce the first-ever image of a BH, but also turn our Galactic Centre into a fundamental-physics laboratory to measure the fabric of space and time with unprecedented precision."},{"id":2202,"link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/2202","name":"erc-synergy-grant","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/08\/erc-logo.png","alt":""},"title":"ERC Synergy Grant - Sub-percent calibration of the extragalactic distance scale in the era of big surveys","author":{"name":"Steffi","link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/author\/steffi"},"date":"Sep 20, 2023","dateGMT":"2023-09-20 08:36:22","modifiedDate":"2024-12-09 19:09:45","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-12-09 18:09:45","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"closed","categories":{"coma":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>","space":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":0,"sec":39},"status":"publish","content":"Kai Polsterer is beneficiary in the ERC Synergy grant for the project UniverScale in 2021 (https:\/\/cordis.europa.eu\/project\/id\/951549).\n\n\n\nThe most recent determinations of the present rate at which the universe is expanding, expressed by the famous Hubble constant, show a considerable difference with the value deduced from observations of the cosmic microwave background by the European satellite Planck. The EU-funded UniverScale project will focus on estimating the distances to galaxies located very far away, considered by astronomers as the early universe. Researchers will calibrate two geometrical methods that will measure much larger distances than those included in the Gaia data releases. Their approach will eliminate systematic errors present in other measurement methods. Project results will have important implications for modern astrophysics, especially in our understanding of the enigmatic dark energy."},{"id":2199,"link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/2199","name":"erc-starting-grant-the-radiative-interstellar-medium","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/09\/csm_march_2019_7776f2794c.png","alt":""},"title":"ERC Starting Grant - The radiative interstellar medium","author":{"name":"Steffi","link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/author\/steffi"},"date":"Sep 19, 2023","dateGMT":"2023-09-19 15:31:55","modifiedDate":"2024-08-23 21:04:50","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-08-23 19:04:50","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"open","categories":{"coma":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>","space":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":1,"sec":36},"status":"publish","content":"Stefanie Walch-Gassner received the ERC starting grant which is funded with appropriate. 1.5 mio \u20ac grant in 2016 for the project RADFEEDBACK.\n\n\n\nThe pressure, radiation, and ionization from the warm (UV emitting) and hot (X-ray emitting) gas has a significant impact on the cold, star-forming interstellar medium (https:\/\/cordis.europa.eu\/project\/id\/679852). We propose to carry out a comprehensive 3D study of the turbulent, multi-phase ISM in different environments that includes, for the first time, a proper treatment of UV and X-ray emission from stellar (primary) sources and extended (secondary) sources like cooling shock fronts and evaporating clouds. We do this by means of massively parallel, high-resolution 3D simulations that capture the complex interplay of gravity, magnetic fields, feedback from massive stars (ionizing radiation, radiation pressure, stellar winds, supernovae), heating and cooling including X-rays and cosmic rays, and chemistry. We are developing a novel, original and highly efficient method to accurately treat the transfer of radiation from multiple point and extended sources in the 3D simulations. Radiation and chemistry will be coupled to achieve self-consistent heating, cooling, and ionization rates. Moreover, accurate synthetic observations covering the large dynamic range from X-rays down to radio emission will be generated to set the results in the proper observational context. This will enable us to address the key science questions: How efficient is stellar feedback in different environments and which feedback process is dominant? What is the precise role of UV radiation and X-rays, also from secondary sources? Are the observations following the key dynamical players? How do we best interpret ISM observations from ALMA, SKA, or ATHENA? How do we assist in designing future observations? With the resources requested here we will perform the most self-consistent theoretical study of the multi-phase ISM so far, thus building up a leading group for ISM research in Europe. To stimulate worldwide scientific activities and interactions we will make all data available to the community through an open-access web interface."},{"id":2195,"link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/2195","name":"erc-starting-grant-an-exascale-aware-and-un-crashable-space-time-adaptive-discontinuous-spectral-element-solver-for-non-linear-conservation-laws","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/09\/iosimulation-kt.png","alt":""},"title":"ERC Starting Grant - An Exascale aware and Un-crashable Space-Time-Adaptive Discontinuous Spectral Element Solver for Non-Linear Conservation Laws","author":{"name":"Steffi","link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/author\/steffi"},"date":"Sep 19, 2023","dateGMT":"2023-09-19 15:27:34","modifiedDate":"2024-12-09 19:10:03","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-12-09 18:10:03","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"closed","categories":{"coma":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>","space":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":1,"sec":33},"status":"publish","content":"Gregor Gassner received the ERC starting grant which is funded with appropriate. 1.5 mio \u20ac grant in 2017 for the project EXTREME (https:\/\/cordis.europa.eu\/project\/id\/714487).\n\n\n\nThe dynamics of fluids and plasma is described by non-linear conservation laws. Transient behaviour on multiple scales involving turbulence and shocks is intrinsic to these problems. Due to their low dispersion and dissipation errors, adaptive high order numerical methods currently receive growing attention in academia and industry and form an emerging key technology. The potential benefits are massively improved computational efficiency and drastic reduction in memory consumption. Both benefits can be easily justified theoretically, in particular for a space-time adaptive high order method. However, due to high algorithmic complexity, the theoretical performance is difficult to sustain on massively parallel supercomputers. The first challenge that we will address in this project is to design novel, exascale aware, space-time adaptive algorithms and implement them in an open source solver that will scale on over 10^6 computing cores. Another indispensable property for the successful industrialisation of space-time adaptive high order methods is robustness. Robustness, i.e. an \"\"un-crashable\"\" solver, which still retains all the positive benefits of the high order scheme is the \"\"holy grail\"\" of the current research on these methods. This requires new mathematical concepts. The second challenge we will address here is to construct a provable un-crashable, space-time adaptive, high order solver without excessive artificial dissipation. Our mathematical key to achieve robustness is not intuitive at first sight: skew-symmetry. We will show that a specific skew-symmetric formulation guided by careful mathematics will allow us to design methods that are consistent with the second law of thermodynamics. This physical consistency is important as it will enable us to construct a new class of un-crashable space-time adaptive high order methods. We will demonstrate the supremacy of this efficient and robust solver in complex large scale science and engineering applications."},{"id":2193,"link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/2193","name":"erc-consolidator-grant-empire-galaxy-evolution-in-the-alma-era-the-baryon-cycle-and-star-formation-in-nearby-galaxies","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/09\/ngc4321.jpg","alt":""},"title":"ERC Consolidator Grant - EMPIRE: Galaxy Evolution in the ALMA Era \u2013 The Baryon Cycle and Star Formation in Nearby Galaxies","author":{"name":"Steffi","link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/author\/steffi"},"date":"Sep 19, 2023","dateGMT":"2023-09-19 15:17:33","modifiedDate":"2024-12-09 19:10:42","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-12-09 18:10:42","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"closed","categories":{"coma":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>","space":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":1,"sec":20},"status":"publish","content":"Prof. Frank Bigiel received a ERC Consolidator Grant to investigate the matter cycle in galaxies. The approx. 1.7 million euros in ERC funds supported the project over a five-year period (https:\/\/cordis.europa.eu\/project\/id\/726384).\n\n\n\nA thorough understanding of the processes regulating the conversion of gas into stars is key to understand structure formation in the universe and the evolution of galaxies through cosmic time. Despite significant progress over the past years, the properties of the actual dense, star forming gas across normal disk galaxies remain largely unknown. This will be changed with EMPIRE, a comprehensive 500hr large program led by the PI at the IRAM 30m mm-wave telescope. EMPIRE will provide for the first time extended maps of a suite of dense gas tracers (e.g. HCN, HCO+, HNC) for a sample of nearby, star-forming, disk galaxies.\n\n\n\nBy means of detailed analysis, including radiative transfer and chemical modelling, we will constrain a variety of physical quantities (in particular gas densities). We will relate these directly to the local star formation efficiency and to a variety of other dynamical, stellar and local ISM properties from existing pan-chromatic mapping of these galaxies (HI, IR, CO, UV, optical) to answer the question: ``how is star formation regulated across galaxy disks?''. By determining true abundance variations, we will contribute key constraints to the nascent field of galaxy-scale astrochemistry. Detailed comparisons to data for star forming regions in the Milky Way will link core, cloud and galactic scales towards a coherent view of dense gas and star formation. These results will provide an essential anchor point to Milky Way and high redshift observations alike."},{"id":2191,"link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/2191","name":"erc-advanced-grand-missions","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/08\/erc-logo_new.png","alt":""},"title":"ERC Advanced Grand: Molecular Spectra of Missing Ions in the Laboratory and in Space","author":{"name":"Steffi","link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/author\/steffi"},"date":"Sep 19, 2023","dateGMT":"2023-09-19 15:05:02","modifiedDate":"2024-08-28 13:16:00","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-08-28 11:16:00","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"open","categories":{"coma":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>","space":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":1,"sec":49},"status":"publish","content":"The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded Prof. Dr. Stephan Schlemmer with an ERC Advanced Grant. Schlemmer will receive 2.5 million euros in funding for his project \u2018MissIons\u2019 (https:\/\/cordis.europa.eu\/project\/id\/101020583). The ERC Advanced Grant is considered the most important funding award in the European research landscape.ERC Advanced Grants are awarded to outstanding scholars and scientists for projects that are associated with uncertainties due to their innovative approach, but which may open up ground-breaking new paths in their respective fields. Funding is granted to researchers who have worked consistently and successfully at the highest level for many years.\n\n\n\nStephan Schlemmer is professor of experimental physics at the University of Cologne\u2019s Institute of Astrophysics. In his laboratories in Cologne, the colour spectra of molecules are recorded in high-precision measurements. These spectra are as clearly associated with the molecules as fingerprints can be uniquely assigned to a person. In this way, numerous molecules have already been found in space for the first time through laboratory investigations in Cologne. The ERC Advanced Grant for the \u2018MissIons\u2019 (= missing ions) project is being used to search for specific ionic molecules. These ions are missing keys to understanding the evolution of the interstellar medium, i.e., the space between stars. Thus, it is conceivable that building blocks of life are formed from precisely these ions in interstellar space.\n\n\n\nSchlemmer\u2019s team is developing experimental and theoretical methods that make these studies possible in the first place. One challenge is to make these highly volatile substances available in sufficient quantities for those colour analysis. Here, the working group has already made some major breakthroughs in the past. Another challenge is that the spectral fingerprints for these special ions consist of thousands of snippets that must first be assembled into an image. This painstaking work not only produces the template for observation with telescopes. Rather, the fingerprints can also be used to infer the structure of the molecules. Until now, this was impossible for the molecules in question, but the MissIons project will make it possible for the first time. The project thus connects the world of the smallest (molecules) with the world of the largest (outer space), both of which still pose great mysteries."},{"id":2165,"link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/2165","name":"punch4nfdi","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/09\/punch-schmal-1.gif","alt":""},"title":"PUNCH4NFDI","author":{"name":"Steffi","link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/author\/steffi"},"date":"Sep 19, 2023","dateGMT":"2023-09-19 08:58:50","modifiedDate":"2024-08-23 21:04:52","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-08-23 19:04:52","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"open","categories":{"coma":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>","space":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":0,"sec":50},"status":"publish","content":"Dynaverse PIs have leading roles in PUNCH4NFDI (www.punch4nfdi.de)\n\n\n\nPUNCH4NFDI is the NFDI consortium of particle, astro-, astroparticle, hadron and nuclear physics, representing about 9.000 scientists with a Ph.D. in Germany, from universities, the Max Planck society, the Leibniz Association, and the Helmholtz Association. PUNCH physics addresses the fundamental constituents of matter and their interactions, as well as their role for the development of the largest structures in the universe - stars and galaxies. The achievements of PUNCH science range from the discovery of the Higgs boson over the installation of a 1 cubic kilometre particle detector for neutrino detection in the antartctic ice to the detection of the quark-gluon plasma in heavy-ion collisions and the first picture ever of the black hole at the heart of the Milky Way.\n\n\n\nThe prime goal of PUNCH4NFDI is the setup of a federated and \"FAIR\" science data platform, offering the infrastructures and interfaces necessary for the access to and use of data and computing resources of the involved communities and beyond."},{"id":2163,"link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/2163","name":"b3d-nrw-cluster-for-dataintensive-radioastronomy","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/09\/b3d.jpg","alt":""},"title":"B3D: NRW-Cluster for dataintensive radioastronomy","author":{"name":"Steffi","link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/author\/steffi"},"date":"Sep 19, 2023","dateGMT":"2023-09-19 08:51:53","modifiedDate":"2024-12-09 19:15:12","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-12-09 18:15:12","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"closed","categories":{"coma":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>","space":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":0,"sec":35},"status":"publish","content":"Dynaverse PIs have leading roles in the NRW Cluster for data-intensive Radio Astronomy B3D (www.b3d.nrw\/en).\n\n\n\nThe \"Big Bang to Big Data\" cluster combines radio astronomical research with data science expertise. Radio astronomical data streams are made available to science and industry to develop and test new algorithms. The goal is to synergistically improve the understanding and processing of these data as well as to methodically and infrastructurally prepare science for the growing flood of data.\u00a0Based on the B3D results, a \"Big Data Campus\" is to be established in NRW in five years' time, where automated data processing and quality management procedures will be further developed using Big Data and AI methods. Here, companies will have the opportunity to test industrial applications.\u00a0"},{"id":2161,"link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/2161","name":"sfb956","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/09\/SFB956_Logo_4C_Englisch-1_0.jpeg","alt":""},"title":"SFB 956","author":{"name":"Steffi","link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/author\/steffi"},"date":"Sep 19, 2023","dateGMT":"2023-09-19 08:51:06","modifiedDate":"2024-08-23 21:04:53","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-08-23 19:04:53","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"open","categories":{"coma":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>","space":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":1,"sec":34},"status":"publish","content":"Astrophysics is a strong scientific tie between both Universities. The collaboration is documented by five, more or less successive\u00a0CRCs, which have provided a major input to the strategic development planning of astrophysics at both Universities.\u00a0The SFB 956 (www.sfb956.de) \"Conditions and Impact of Star Formation - Astrophysics, Instrumentation and Laboratory Research\" just ended in December 2022, after a full financing over 12 years.\u00a0\n\n\n\nThe CRC 956 \u201cConditions and Impact of Star Formation - Astrophysics, Instrumentation and Laboratory Research\u201d combines the unique expertise of the participating astrophysics groups in Cologne and Bonn towards three main goals: to advance our scientific topic beyond the state-of-the-art; to foster and intensify the scientific collaboration of the involved disciplines; and to train young researchers in the unique research environment provided by the CRC 956.The scientific scope of the CRC 956 is set by the \u201cCosmic Cycle of Star Formation\u201d, which comprises the formation of molecular clouds from the diffuse interstellar medium in star-forming galaxies, the formation of stars within these molecular clouds, the dispersal of the molecular clouds by feedback from the young (massive) stars, and the feedback of the metal-enriched material of the aged stars into the interstellar medium, closing the cycle. The Cosmic Cycle shapes the evolution of the baryonic matter in the Universe, from the Big Bang to present day. The CRC 956 focuses on understanding and identifying the physical processes which set the conditions for star formation in different galactic environments, reaching from normal star forming galaxies like our Milky Way to extreme conditions present near Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) or in starbursts.It is the unique combination of a strong observational astrophysics program (project area A) with the adequate advanced modeling tools and simulations (project area C), the necessary laboratory astrophysics (project area B), and the development of new astronomical instrumentation (project area D) that enables the progress in star formation research in the CRC 956."},{"id":123,"link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/123","name":"crc1601","thumbnail":{"url":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/06\/SFB1601_logo_blue_grey-1.png","alt":""},"title":"CRC 1601","author":{"name":"admin","link":"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/archives\/author\/admin"},"date":"Jun 6, 2023","dateGMT":"2023-06-06 12:36:41","modifiedDate":"2024-08-28 14:06:14","modifiedDateGMT":"2024-08-28 12:06:14","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"closed","categories":{"coma":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>","space":"<a href=\"https:\/\/dynaverse.astro.uni-koeln.de\/dynaverse\/projects\" rel=\"category tag\">Projects<\/a>"},"taxonomies":{"post_tag":""},"readTime":{"min":1,"sec":57},"status":"publish","content":"Within the CRC 1601, researchers are investigating the physical processes that determine the habitats of massive stars in different galactic environments. \n\n\n\nDue to their short lifetime and high energy output, massive stars drive the evolution of galaxies across cosmic time. Therefore, they contribute substantially to shaping the present-day Universe. Habitats are the gaseous environments in which massive stars are born and which they interact with via their feedback.In the CRC 1601 detailed knowledge of massive star formation in the Milky Way are connected with that of the early epochs of the Universe. We aim to connect the physical processes that govern the habitats of massive stars across a broad range of environments to Mpc scales and from the Milky Way to the high-redshift Universe, where massive stars leave their cosmological fingerprint by driving cosmic reionisation.\n\n\n\nCRC 1601 aims to close two major gaps in our understanding of the habitats of massive stars:- The spatial scale gap provides the missing link between sub-pc scale and galactic scale studies of massive star habitats.- The environment gap describes the need to extrapolate the physics of star formation that is examined in detail in the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds to the extreme environments prevailing at high redshift.These gaps are naturally connected, as the most extreme environments are rare and distant and therefore suffer from coarse resolution when observed from Earth. Both gaps are difficult to overcome due to the interconnected nature of the physical processes, which is why they are the subject of intense research in the international astronomical community. Bridging these gaps is only possible through a collaborative effort as in the CRC 1601, combining laboratory astrophysics, instrument development, observations, and theoretical modeling\/simulations.\n\n\n\nAll CRC partners have a strong profile as leading players in large international projects and have extensive experience in building and operating their own telescopes and developing state-of-the-art instruments in the infrared, submillimeter, and radio wave ranges. Astrophysics has been a strong scientific tie between the Universities of Bonn and Cologne since decades. The collaboration is documented by five, more or less successive CRCs, which have provided a major input to the strategic development planning of astrophysics at both Universities. CRC 956 just ended in December 2022, after a full financing over 12 years. The new CRC 1601 from UoC and UB, together with MPIfR and FZJ has started in October 2023. "}]