Our Mission

ARC1: Time-Lapse Astronomy

One of the grand problems in Astrophysics is to reconstruct gradual, epoch-spanning processes like galaxy evolution from observational snapshots into an explanatory “movie of the Universe”.

ARC2: Slow-Motion Astronomy

We determine how rapid, transient key events like supernova explosions shape these long-term processes.

ARC3: Cosmic Twists

We elucidate the pivotal turning points that gave structures and light to the expanding, nascent Universe.

The SUE: The Shared Universe Engine

A sketch of the different time scales in Dynaverse

Technological innovations are key to address the ARCs and to build the SUE. New instruments, which improve sensitivity and resolution, open up previously inaccessible windows to the Universe. They enable novel observations, providing the opportunity to make exciting new discoveries. The interpretation of the observations relies on refined and new laboratory measurements, and on state-of-the-art simulations to link the Universe’s evolution over vastly different timescales. The various research aspects rely on specialised expertise within the individual subfields. To comprehensively study the chemical and dynamical evolution, the connection of this complementary expertise is necessary. Astrophysics in the Cologne-Bonn-J ̈ulich region is known to follow such a holistic approach. Currently, it is based on four Pillars of expertise: instrumentation (P1), observations (P2), laboratory astrophysics (P3), and theory & simulations (P4).
Right now, we are entering the new era of Big-Data-Astrophysics. We will address novel research aspects by establishing a fifth Pillar of expertise, Astroinformatics (P5). It is implemented in Dynaverse to perform research in the field of ML / AI-methods tailored to astronomy, to extract knowledge from heterogeneous data, decode dynamical and chemical processes, and compare simulations with observations and experimental data.

Our Pillars

Training Young Scientists

PhD-students will benefit from the graduate schools IMPRS, HDS-LEE and BCGS in Bonn and Cologne which have a strong heritage in bridging research activities and training of young scientists. BCGS has been established through the German Excellence Initiative, IMPRS forms a highly successful educational network between UoC, UB, and MPIfR. UoC, UB, FZJ, and DLR participate in the Helmholtz School for Data Science in Life, Earth and Energy, which provides an excellent setup for interdisciplinary PhD-level research in data-driven sciences.

our dynamic universe

Bonn-Cologne Graduate School of
Physics and Astronomy

our dynamic universe
our dynamic universe

International Max Planck Research School for
Astronomy and Astrophysics
